Study in Germany
Germany offers a vast choice of high quality English-taught programmes and is well known for innovative research. Its low or no tuition fees may also attract some of the 300,000 international students who study in Germany each year.
The Federal Republic of Germany lies in the heart of Europe. It is a cosmopolitan, democratic country with a rich tradition as well as a vibrant modern life. Germany is one of the world’s strongest economies and offers an innovative research and education landscape. At the same time, it has a dynamic cultural scene. Germany is the European Union’s most populous nation with over 82 million inhabitants. It is surrounded by nine neighbouring countries, and its territory encompasses roughly 357,000 square kilometres – stretching from the North Sea and the Baltic Sea in the north to the Alps in the south. Since 1949 the Federal Republic of Germany has been a democratic parliamentary federation. It is made up of 16 Länder (states), each with its own constitution, parliament and government.


Universities in Germany for international students are over 400 institutes of higher education, of which 140 are entitled to award doctorates, and around 200 universities of the applied sciences. There are many programs of master degree in germany for international students and other courses at German Higher Education Institutes cover more than 400 disciplines, and many institutions offer courses taught in English that lead to internationally recognised degrees, including Master’s and PhD. Prominent fields of study include: Engineering Sciences, Natural Sciences, Economics and Business Administration, Arts, Music, Architecture and Design – and there are over 1,600 international programs listed on the DAAD database. Almost half of Germany’s 2.6 million current students are women. With some 300,000 foreign students enrolled at German institutes of higher education, Germany has the third highest number of foreign students in the world.

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