Study in Lithuania
University studies in Lithuania provide universal academic education, theoretical training, and the highest level of professional excellence, whereas colleges train for professional activities. Overall Lithuania has 47 Higher Education Institutions, and is increasingly popular with international students.

Education Exchanges Support Foundation, the institution authorised by the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania to administrate the state scholarships programme, offers scholarships within the framework of bilateral agreements on terms and conditions stipulated in them. Candidates from other countries can also apply for scholarships for Lithuanian and (or) Baltic studies at the higher education institutions of Lithuania. The scholarships can be granted for a semester or two (up to 10 months) of Lithuanian (Baltic) studies, also – for Lithuanian language and culture summer courses (3-4 weeks) in the higher education institutions of Lithuania. Education Exchanges Support Foundation also offers Lithuanian state scholarships for full-time Master degree studies. There are also Lithuanian scholarships for international students.

There are 47 higher education institutions in Lithuania, which include 14 state universities, 9 private universities, 13 state colleges and 11 private colleges. Study in Lithuania for international students provides universal academic education, theoretical training and the highest level of professional excellence. Higher education studies in colleges are oriented towards training for professional activities, practical training covers at least one third of the study programme, in colleges, applied research is carried out. Studies are conducted according to degree and non-degree study programmes. Studies can be of different intensity: full-time and part-time. They are organised in three cycles: undergraduate (1st cycle), post-graduate leading to a Masters (Magistras) degree (2nd cycle), and post-graduate leading to a doctorate (3rd cycle). The duration of Master studies is 1.5 to two years. University degree study programmes can be integrated, when studies of the first and second cycles are combined (e.g. in law, medical studies, etc.).

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