Study in Italy
In Italy an increasing number of postgraduate courses are being offered in English, and Indian interest in Italy is up – to nearly 1000 Indian international students per year. Academic standards are high, with 18 Italian universities featuring in the Top 400 of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2015-2016.
Italy is a parliamentary republic located on the Mediterranean in the South of Europe. Its’ capital, Rome, was for centuries the capital of the Roman Empire and a political and cultural centre of western civilisation. Italy’s economy is 4th largest among European Countries and 9th globally, and it is the 2nd largest manufacturing economy in Europe. The Human Development Index is 0.881 (OSCE, 2013), life expectancy is 81.4 years, and the country has a population of 60 million. Italy is one of the six Founder Members of the European Union, and a member of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the G7, G8 and G20. Italy boasts the greatest number of UNESCO world heritage sites in the world and it is also the home of the oldest European University – the University of Bologna, which was established in 1088. Many of Italy’s scientists have made an outstanding contribution to modern science, in particular in physics, chemistry, material science and medicine.

International students are entitled to the same student assistance services as Italian students including scholarships, dining hall services and housing. Scholarships may be available for International students from national and regional governments, and Italian universities and Higher Education Institutions. In Italy foreign students can avail themselves of scholarships offered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAEIC).

Italy has played an important role in European higher education reform, providing its contribution to the ‘European Area of Higher Education’, which is being implemented across the European Union with a view to encouraging for enrolling in italy universities for international students. International student numbers are up, Structurally, the Italian education system comprises 96 public and private universities, 12 national research centres and 132 institutes for art and music. Those who don’t have ielts certification so italy universities for international students without ielts can solve their problem.These institutions offer studies at 3 levels, in line with the Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area. An increasing number of post-graduate courses are offered in English, although students are able to attend Italian language courses either at the state universities, or in private institutions authorized to issue the required certification. Bachelor’s students can also apply in universities in Italy for international students bachelor degree.

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